I am singing the Hallelujah chorus in my head. No my dears I have not finished the novel but I have joined the two halves. I started writing Heir and after a few chapters (Chapters 1-12) I decided to skip ahead to somewhere near the end of the book and write six chapters (Chapters 23-28). Then I went back and worked on getting the two halves to meet up. Today is the red letter day when I made that happen. I finished Chapter 22. Now I only have Chapters 29-31 to complete and the epilogue and I'll be done. It now has approximately 124,000 words, 460 pages. The finished product should have about 140,000, 500+ pages. I am almost giddy.
John just asked me after this one is finished how many other books am I working on. I sheepishly told him 9. There are two more books that go along with Heir. Yes that makes it a trilogy. It will be called the Worlds without End series. Then three fairy tale rewrites all with Bear themes. Three Jane Austen era books and one Contemporary Romance. They are all in various stages of progress. From just idea stage to several hundred pages written.
I just wanted to celebrate!!!!