Friday, October 3, 2008

Mike Gordon and Sting

Daniel, my son, is a huge fan of the improv band Phish. Today he told this story. Mike Gordon went to see Police in concert and after the concert he got to meet Sting. Sting gave him this advice. Don't listen to any music for six months and every day write something even if it's gibberish. Like 'my dog walked the baby in the park'. Eventually he said to work at getting a song from the idea stage to the finished and ready to record in one day Sting said that's how he got his album written and recorded.

The little light in my head went on. Of course this would work for writing stories as well as songs. I have read enough books to last a life time. I don't need to read anymore, at least for a while, that way I can put all my energy into writing.

I have people in ten different states wondering when I will ever get these stories I keep talking about published. And the feed back I got from has been very positive and very helpful. As always I'll keep you posted.

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