I finally got my computer back in working order. I have been writing in my head and now feel safe to put it on the page.
I love the fact that everyone you meet has a story. Today the moving company sent a man, Jerry, to pre-access the contents of our house. He had a lovely accent so just before he left I asked him where he was from originally. He asked me to guess. I guessed he was Italian because he sounded so much like a missionary we had once had serving in our area who was from Italy. He was impressed. His name is Italian but his father immigrated to the US from Italy and then moved to California and ultimately Mexico to begin a vineyard. He brought some of the original grapes that now spread across the Napa Valley. When Jerry was fourteen his father sent him to his uncle's home in Washington DC to be raised. Jerry's uncle was very well connected in Washington and Jerry got to meet the Eisenhowers, the Kennedys, and many other of the great political leaders this was back in 1956. He was just a teenager at the time and didn't understand who all it was he had met. He remembers being terrified when he moved to Washington because no one spoke Spanish. He got lost many times when he was coming home from school because he had to change buses.
He served in the military during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. When he came home from Vietnam he thought it would be a good time to apply for US citizenship. He was stationed in Georgia. He failed the 144 question test. He called his uncle to give him the bad news and his uncle said let me call Bobby. The phone rings and Jerry answers. "This is the Attorney General. I'm sorry about the mix up. Get a couple of you buddies and report to General thus and so. He will swear you in as a US citizen. We are very honored by the service you have preformed for our country." It was Robert Kennedy. Jerry was living 3 blocks away from the Ambassador Hotel when Bobby got shot.
Everybody has a story. Isn't it great!
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